The lying liberal NY Times wants to portray the mentally-ill murderer, Loughner as a pro-life conservative gone berserk. He worshiped a scull on an altar behind the house, terrified his classmates, hit drugs hard & at 22, had a dozen run-ins with the police but no record, perhaps because his mother worked for the Pima county Bd of Supervisors. A classmate in his poetry class tearfully read her poem about getting an abortion. Loughner laughingly said something about strapping a bomb to the fetus & making it a "baby-bomber," to his shocked classmates. The NY Times twisted that to, "Mr Loughner compared the young woman to 'a terrorist for killing the baby.'" That's how easily the same interview info goes from a (laughing at a dead fetus) sicko to a pro-life fanatic egged on by Palin & the Right. Do you read the Times? I'll bet all liberal sickos do - not that you have to be one to read one, like Paul Krugman. And not every Times writer is a dangerous liar. How many is too many? How far, is going too far? The same goes for NBC & MSNBC "News." They all immediately said, don't jump to conclusions when a lone Muslim gunman shot & killed a bunch of soldiers for Allah. Now, they hypocritically, immediately jumped to vicious liberal conclusions! I heard it said, if the liberal-left didn't have double-standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all. Like sheriff Dupnik denouncing "vitriolic rhetoric" with vitriolic rhetoric - just like the Times. Ask yourself why, knowing Loughner & his troubles well, & how volatile this "open to the public" meeting could be, Dupnik (30 yrs experience) had not one deputy there? Forget the distortions & lies about needed gun-control. They perpetuate the myth - that it lessens violence. Those liberal nuts & their media immediately came out of the woodwork. I tend to question more than an 8 round clip myself, but would never give this bunch one toe in the door to any of my rights. Fact, wherever gun control is imposed proves they lie - violence goes up! In every instance. Still, they attack our right to bear arms. John Green, father of murdered Christina said, "This shouldn't happen in this country or anywhere else, but in a free society, we're going to be subject to people like this. I prefer this to the alternative." I like President Reagan's, "We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is responsible for his actions." People acted bravely after 20 people were shot down. The killer was tackled while trying to re-load. The only one rushing TO the scene was carrying a gun, to take out the killer before he could kill even more! He didn't need to use it since the madman was already subdued, but that's not the point. A good man was coming with an equalizer before 911 picked up the phone. Just exchanging fire until help arrives changes the whole scenario for the better. You don't have to be suicidal. In the 1980's conservatives tried to clean up TV vulgarity, violence & explicit sex, the left screamed "censorship." The right railed against pornography & music lyrics encouraging violence against women & police & racial epithets. The liberal left shouted, the 1st Amend said even offensive speech must be allowed, even burning our flag in protest. But if YOU say anything the left & its media disagrees with - they instantly demand that you be censored! As said, no standards at all. One of the victims shot said in the press he now despises the tea party, another now despises Palin. Why? Because they believe the crap whipped up by unscrupulous media. They can't see & think for themselves. Giffords (a moderate democrat) was liked by republicans & voted against Pelosi. It was clearly stated by Charles Krauthammer, regarding Krugman, NY Times, MSNBC, NBC & a host of other radical liberals in attacking, "a climate of hate" (they called it) - murder caused by Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, the Tea Party, Obamacare opponents, etc. etc.. Krauthammer said, "Among all his writings, postings, videos & other ravings - and in all the testimony from all the people who knew him - there is not a single reference to any of these supposed accessories to murder. Everyone uses warlike metaphors in politics. That's why we say such things as 'battleground states' or 'targeting' opponents. The very word for an electoral contest - 'campaign' - is from warfare." Blogs & sites that Loughner did watch (like liberal KOS) said, "they were putting a bulls eye on Giffords & other moderate democrats." Another posting was, "Giffords voted against Pelosi! And is now dead to me." - just days before Loughner posted, "Die Bitch!" & shot her. Skinhead Loughner hated Jewish Giffords since they met & he felt rebuffed back in 2007, (before Tea Party & Palin were known) where at a rally he asked her, "How do you know words mean anything?" Tell me how you would answer that weird question - right on the spot. If anyone influenced his madness, who would you bet it was? Sec'y of State Hillary (on terrorist foreign soil) effectively said, See, we have extremists of our own. That was dispicable - equating a berserk psychopath with Jihad terrorists! Don't ever let this gun-control, progressive/Marxist gain higher office.
Where does one start when trying to cut back on wasteful gov't spending? Politicians can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm picking one here that's easy to spot & dupes the taxpayers unbelievably. It is only one of many that follows an all too familiar blueprint of sticking it to a stupid gov't that throws money all over. For-profit colleges got wildly "profitable" a few years back. It mirrors the Fannie & Freddie fiasco that destroyed our economy under the watchful eye of Barney Frank, who kept saying "Everything's fine," while guaranteeing lofty mortgages for any unfortunate with a pulse. Now we're guaranteeing student loans & they are high-pressure "recruiting" in the ghettos, so to speak, to grab all that free & easy money! Sign these application papers, attend class 80% of the time with "C" grades (I'll bet that's easy) & we'll pay you $350 "assistance" bi-weekly for your trouble. That "incentive" money must be why tuition has jumped from $4,ooo to $15,700 in 3 short years. The gov't pays in advance so it's up to them to get the taxpayer's money back from the "students" when they drop out. Even if you believe they'll actually try, what are the chances? Gonna throw them in jail? Drake College of Business (for one) gets 87% of its revenue from financial-aiding taxpayers. 75% of the student body is homeless or on welfare. They recruit vigorously at the "shelters." The graduation rate isn't 25% of other colleges. I wouldn't hire one anyway. This ain't small potatoes. The Univ of Phoenix alone has 200 campuses & over 500,000 students. Try to imagine the magnitude of the scam on us dumb taxpayers. And Obama is pushing for millions more to attend college. Who's not for helping out the little guy? Federal "Aid" has gone from $4.6 Bil in 2000 to $26.5 Bil in 2009 & rising fast. Loans are handed out like leaflets, that everyone knows will never be paid, yet no one cares. And politicians can't find anywhere to cut back on funding & waste. I think I just found about $30 Bil! Give me the books & a week-end. I'll bet I could save us half a Trillion! Goldman Sachs (investment bankers) heavily represented in high gov't offices with their executives going to & from like revolving doors, and IN on legislation decisions or certainly with "inside info" just happens to be heavily invested in these sleazy school give aways. Do you think Goldman might have known this would be a scamming goldmine? Fleecing taxpayers of their money? They would know how stupid & inept gov't (that they're a part of) is. Could it be deliberately designed that way? Like, it's kind of embarrassing to explain - but it sure is profitable!
Liars & Jobs: Obama's EPA is shutting down Arch (WV coal mine & 250 jobs) by simply revoking their permit (many many more are coming). 98% of WV electric comes from their coal. In 25 other states, over half of their electric comes from coal. Shutdowns are a tax on the poor & fixed income! Obama's promise to "bankrupt" them & "skyrocket utilities" is one he's keeping. If he tells you he's going to stick it to you, believe it. If he tells you he's going to do something for you or it sounds good, you're an idiot to believe it. That much should be clear by now. Tell me again how much he cares about our lousy economy, the little people & all those out of work & miserable. He is deliberately driving up the prices of heat & lights, gasoline, food, all merchandise & transport of everything. Who is that 50% still thinking he is doing a good job? Is it those cheering, whistling, applauding students at his "somber memorial" address? It sounded more like a "pep rally" start of his re-election campaign. They even passed out T-shirts. Very few of those young foolish students have paid even a dime in real-life expense or yet looked for a real job. Maybe that 50% is from polling the back streets that are living off his handouts, where also very few look for jobs or paid a dollar in taxes that hasn't been returned to them - plus extra thousands. Maybe that adoring 50% came from the hundreds of thousands of his newly appointed or hired costly gov't workers. Or it could be the millions of ecstatic highly-rewarded union members that helped him shape economic policy in the W.H.. Who you ask could make a big difference in the response you get. Anyone ever ask you?
Over 100 organizations & corporations have already been exempted from ObamaCare. How many more in 2011? How is this going to get that magical funding accomplished? We know how sleazy & corrupt Illinois' politics are. Their last-day vote to stick it to their people for a 67% hike in taxes is typical. It was to secure those lavish state gov't pensions & health benefits a while longer. I think, they think their president will bail out his crooked homeland state, he has so much "family" there. There is no way out for states except to let go bankrupt. There's no other way to break the strangle hold of the public service unions on cities & states. Severe state cutbacks to cities & towns will soon put them under, & it will accelerate rapidly. No other spending cutbacks will amount to enough fast enough. It would take forever. Politicians have on guts in this regard. Let lavish spending & campaign promises take its well-deserved course. If you or I spent like these gov'ts have, WE would be already bankrupt or in their jail. There is absolutely NO Fed gov't fix to this other than sheer madness - meaning there is much to fear yet - knowing this cast of characters.
Another new Obama gift payoff to trial lawyers, that are already litigating us to death, driving the prices of everything higher is now in place.. I think half the ads on TV are calling people out to sue someone. The website, sounds fine (like always) but expands even more gov't overseeing jobs (votes) - more "nanny-state imposed protection" & regulation of industry. Another deadly drain on a sick economy. Besides all those technically not unemployed because they are working part time, & those they don't count because they're no longer even seeking jobs, we note that 55% of those that are getting back to work are being paid considerably less than before they lost their jobs. Some pay is better than none, but people are not happy.
Besides his EPA attack dogs "for environment" Obama uses the Food & Drug (FDA) & OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Act) among others to "regulate" you out of business (through "safety" compliance). It's really easy to wipe out small businesses (mom & pop, father/son, small local farmers). They can't afford lobbyist payoffs or asinine compliance. They're hard-working, honest & just getting by. No one in congress can possibly relate. As Safety Director of Bear Archery I had first-hand experience dealing with OSHA 40 years ago. They could come into your business & safety-regulate you right out of business in a blink. Those competitors coziest with regulators could be the last ones on their "to do" list - after the competition has gone under. Then, seeing the devastating effects, they might ease up toward the end, where their friends were. 20 yrs later I laughed at the hypocrisy when I worked for the US Post Office & witnessed all the many violations that they would have shut us down for. These regulatory thugs have been dusted-off & brought back to life (with new vigor) by Obama & his "boys." What Congress? For those thinking this one coal mine isn't important or doesn't matter, consider that just the Clean Water Act among many Acts enables the EPA to totally control who lives, who dies in business. Very bad news in ObamaWorld. This new regulatory shut-down threat means, at the wave of his mighty hand - soon gone is any stability coal & oil might have offered businessmen trying to determine costs of production & possible expansion. More uncertainties & heavy expenses, to go with health care & knowing he intends to hit you with more taxes, in some way at any time. You got away from him for 2 more years. That ticks him off. Can Congress do anything to keep him from destroying us? They haven't even shown interest. There are over 200,000 permits that he can revoke at the snap of his fingers, representing Trillions of dollars. Anything going on to the Supreme Court, has 2 new admirers of him and "social justice," waiting.
Obama has taken over the internet for all practical purposes & will control talk radio (by takeover) probably by year-end. Right now his henchmen are writing up the regulations before full implementation. He has totally by-passed Congress & killed free speech, by decree of Cass Sunstein & the FCC. He's getting his Cap & Trade without consent by shutting down coal, by decree of the EPA. He got ObamaCare without consent just by lying like hell & promising anything to anyone. When passed (& he was truly surprised) he just smiled & threw all the crap back in that he took out! And that made him bolder. He took control over our entire food supply just by LYING that we had food-safety concerns. A total crock of B.S.! Our dumba-s Congress voted to let him do it. This will explode prices by regulating all smaller farmers out of business, in favor of mega-farmer friends, like George Soros & Monsanto. Consider yourself dead if Soros ever controls our food supply! And Obama already took over the auto industry, 95% of all housing, 100% of college education needing any assistance, and all banks & investing. There's not much of our lives left! I am deliberately repeating myself from my last few issues because I have revealed unbelievable things to you (including my own website censorship) being done boldly in dictator-like fashion, & have heard hardly a peep - eerie quiet. Am I rambling like a loony to myself? Is everyone in denial? If the feeling is, it can't be - that's not really happening, I have to question my purpose here, or at least my effectiveness. If you are of a mind that this stuff can't happen in America, or that it can't happen just because it's never happened before, I don't even know what to say to you. I am on the brink of burnout & going to Florida 'till about the mid-March issue. Hopefully that will re-charge my batteries. Otherwise, what's the use? I'm supposed to be fishing. While gone, I intend to continue posting on my site & e-mailing to those that have requested it. Paper issues will still be available at Goodale's Bakery & Northern Litho Copy Shop on Peninsular St, but a bit late because I will have to mail a printable form to John at "Litho" to print. He said he would take a bunch over (each issue) to the racks in the lobby at Goodale's. Anyone wanting quantity can get them from John, free, as many as you need. But needless to say, I won't be delivering for a while. You can contact me, should you want: Wouldn't give a nickel for Florida in the summer but it sure looks good in February!
One American's View. Thanks for listening. Please tell others about my site, Phil Faustman
Sunday, January 16, 2011
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