Friday, December 18, 2009

Issue 29


What is a trillion dollars? That brand new number we’re throwing around so freely now and most calculators can’t even relate to? Take a one hundred dollar bill. They come in packets of 100 (almost 1/2 inch thick) $10,000. One million dollars would be a stack 4 feet high. One hundred million dollars would measure a cubic yard (3 ft high X 3 ft wide X 3ft deep). That’s a lot of money. One billion dollars = 10 such pallets or 10 cubic yards. A TRILLION is a million million, or 10,000 pallets! That would cover a football field, 3 ft high, with tightly together stacked $100 bills. Actually, that is 1/2 a trillion. Double stack it 6 ft high!! You can’t even see over it! (if one dollar bills - 100 football fields, 6 ft high!)

With this new perspective, consider the fact that this year's federal deficit (more money spent than taxes and revenue brought in) jumped up from a whopping $482 Billion in 2008 to $1.4 Trillion in 2009! Think of that football field stacked over 8 feet high! For just one year! And now Congress wants to boost it to $1.8 Trillion! Bush did much of this, but Obama’s profligate spending plus planned spending takes a terrible deficit to an unbelievable level. He just again said we must “SPEND our way out of this recession!” That must truly inspire our lenders. It took 191 years (1791-1982) to get our National Debt up to $1 Trillion. The 2nd and 3rd Trillion took 4 years each. Bush rang up $4.9 Trillion in 8 years. Obama will beat that easily in 4 years. 1969 was the last year the Federal Gov’t spent less than it brought in - 40 years ago. In 2009 we (Fed Gov’t) spent $383 BILLION just paying INTEREST to the holders of our National Debt! That football field almost 2-1/2 ft high! Those holders are rightfully upset when we just print more money and pay them with those diluted “cheaper” dollars. It’s like watered-down whiskey for the same price. You could get shot for that in the old west. Their investments are worth less. They aren’t likely to loan again. What will we do then? Print more money?

Some tidbits: The U.S. NIH (National Institutes of Health) paid $2.6 Million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job. The Gov’t Accountability Office (GAO) said nearly HALF of all purchases on Gov’t credit cards are improper, fraudulent or embezzled, including gambling, mortgage payments, internet dating, vacations etc. The (in the red) Postal Service spent $13,500 on one dinner for 81 guests ($167 of food & drink apiece). Federal agencies are delinquent on 20% of employee charge cards costing taxpayers hundreds of millions in penalties annually. The SEC spent $3.9 Mill rearranging desks and offices in D.C.. A South Carolina parts supplier bilked the Pentagon for over $20.5 Mill (over 6 years) in fraudulent shipping costs like $998,798 to send two 19 cent washers to an Army base in Texas! They also paid $455,009 to ship 3 screws at $1.31 each to Marines in Iraq and $293,451 to ship an 89 cent washer to Patrick AFB in Florida! Twin sisters in business found a “flaw in the system.” It doesn’t matter what. 6 years? $68,000 in merchandise - over $20 Mill in shipping! What overseeing! Think there might be others? Over half of all antiquated farm subsidies go to commercial farms averaging over $200,000 income! A GAO audit shows 95 Pentagon weapons systems had a combined $295 Billion in overruns! The refusal of many Gov’t employees to fly “coach” costs us about $146 Mill /year in upgrades! That’s enough asinine tidbits for now (more later) but there were 10,169 earmarks last year PLUS the fraud and abuse. Make those maimed soldiers with missing limbs pay for their own injuries, Obama, to HELP with the Nation’s deficit, those “whining selfish” ingrates. They “volunteered” to go. “Nobody made them” (Obama’s pathetic words). What did YOU do about deficits and Gov't squandering of our money?

Our Gov’t is spending money like a drunken sailor on shore leave. No thought of tomorrow or the consequences. But we all will surely pay with the worst hangover ever experienced and find ourselves not just broke, but in deep debt for many years - maybe irreparably. There is a point you know, where you can’t even pay the interest charges with cash on hand. And we can’t just go to court, file bankruptcy and start over. If that doesn’t scare you with all the upcoming spending on the horizon, you’re in La-La Land and beyond help. Did we have enough fun to justify all this, or just spend stupidly, all we have and all we could borrow? It took over 200 years to bring this Nation’s debt up to $9 Trillion. That is simple accumulation of irresponsible, inexcusable spending (by Congress) of more money than they earned (taxing the people). If Congress had demanded payment from us (the people) on delivery of those “goodies” we would have refused delivery! We are as culpable as they. NOW we (the clear majority and ones PAYING the taxes) want to stop it, but they won’t. The tail is wagging the dog. Congress is maxing out credit cards and applying for more - they are addicted - don’t care what WE want!

Gov’t programs started it off, like Social Security, then Medicare and Medicaid. They got more and more loose and sloppily run, full of fraud and abuse. When you have to pay cash, you are a lot slower to your wallet. When you can “charge it” - well, here we are. If YOU are paying the doctor or hospital yourself, you will demand an accounting for every charge. If someone else (Gov’t - Insurer) is paying - who cares? That is human nature, easy to understand, common sense. If the Gov’t was to give you, or allow you tax free money (whatever sum necessary) for your family’s health care for YOU to deal directly with doctor and hospital, you'll keep them honest. They can’t cheat and neither can crooked patients. Whatever you save or don’t spend from that pool (no foolish running to the doctor for sniffles) can be added to your retirement account. That is incentive, and using human nature for good. Insurance could be purchased from hundreds of companies competing for catastrophic coverage (cancer, etc). This is where Gov’t could possibly help - subsidizing large premiums for those in need. YOU pay extra for obvious liability (smoking, obesity etc) creating incentive to improve your health status. Solutions are not that difficult and don’t take 2000 pages unless you’re purposely hiding something. The Gov’t is there only to give incentives, educate, and subsidize (pay a percentage of) catastrophic or pre-existing conditions for those in financial need - and perhaps oversee a selected panel that decides (fair to all) malpractice awards.

As we get nearer the passage of this sorry health care Bill that will cost us (in recession) a fortune, and give Obama vast control of our personal lives, I remind you of how he bribes influential groups. He gave huge pharmaceuticals his word that they could continue to gouge us (even Gov’t care) on high-priced drugs and he would clamp down on our ability to get them cheaper from Canada. The big drug companies merely had to commit millions to advertising, promoting Gov’t control of health care. Obama got AARP’s support (selling out their own seniors) by assuring them that he would eliminate the popular (meaning cheaper) “Medicare Advantage” plan, forcing seniors to buy AARP’s (and others) more expensive medigap plans. Yeah, he and Pelosi really care about us and health costs! They will then mandate all kinds of things (taking away our rights) in the name of “for the overall good” or “betterment of the Nation’s health” or “to control cost to the taxpayers” that’s denial of care and tests - rationing). 80% of the People and 80% of the Doctors against it? Too bad! We're doing it anyway!

In 1970 the media warned us of the coming “ice age.” The Polar Bear population numbered 500 (until the hunting ban was enacted). And the hypocrite, Al Gore was learning about girls. The same ignorant Gore that says the earth’s core is “millions of degrees,” and the polar ice will be gone in 5 -7 years, among other nonsensical things. His manufactured fear (for profit) went from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” when facts said we cooled 8 years in a row. The poor Polar Bear numbers are now 2500 and rising (except that one emaciated bear we keep seeing re-run on TV). There is a constant ebb and flow in Nature, but the constant nature of Man is to scam for profit, at least some men! Even to cover up e-mails between scientists revealing the hoax, if they are “inconvenient” truths. Scientists that don’t go along with the agenda don’t get grants or funding - or get fired. The left-leaning, left-owned Media exaggerates or stifles, as necessary to keep the ruse going The scary images they want to leave you with (with guilt of course) is a screaming little girl hanging on for dear life, a sad looking polar bear, or raining polar bears. Lies, with pictures, told and shown over and over somehow become “truth” in time. It is called indoctrination! Obama and his kind are experts. Now, we are being told CO2 (the breath we exhale) is a pollutant - bad for the earth! Will you believe it in time? I thought trees and plants liked and needed it. Copenhagen, where 140 jet planes and 1200 limousines were used said we need to commit $10 TRILLION to green energy. You do know who most of “WE” is, don’t you? Do we start the presses, or maybe tithe 10% of our unemployment compensation to the World Church of Obama? We choose to learn nothing from those that go before us. Spain did a study and learned, for every green job they created, 2.2 jobs were lost -but it will be great for us! California spends like the Fed - they're bankrupt! Massachusetts has a state-run health care plan like the Fed. wants - disaster in 4 years!

If Iran gets nuclear capability it is not only Israel in danger. Suitcase bombs capable of killing 100,000 Americans will come across that open Mexican border to our home-grown terrorists. To think otherwise is naive. Iran hates us, second only to the Jews, and would happily give them to our enemies to use against us. Those people are nuts, treat us like idiots, and still we TALK!

When we talk about Social Security not being there for us when we retire it is because it is being played like a Ponzi Scheme by our politicians. All S.S. payments (taxes) go into an originally designed Trust Fund for later payments, except you can't trust politicians. They "borrow" those funds from the Trust, leaving I.O.U.s (California style) and spend it just as the General Fund. Although, even now, more is coming in than is payed out, it has never been allowed to accumulate as designed. There will never be more in there than their immediate obligations. The rest is paper debt to be rounded up only when needed, from some other imaginative source (print more)? The last ones IN on this Ponzi will have to sue the Gov't - good luck!

Tidbits of a putrid form: Barney Frank wants a couple billion of the returned bank bailout funds to give to the unemployed for their mortgages. The latest wind farm in Texas (green energy - green jobs?) had all its turbines built in China. Prison inmates making 50 cents an hour displaced 80 employees to build solar panels - just like the Communist, Van Jones said would happen. And we’re giving (while destitute) over $5 Billion in treaty reparations to the Indians, like he said. Does he have a secret room in the White House? Michelle Obama has a STAFF of 22 to assist and attend to her every whim. No first lady in history had more than 3 - it explains a lot. If you criticize our president or his policies you are RACIST and bashed by the Media - we have never had that problem before. Harry Reid said those opposed to this health care plan and say, slow down, stop, let’s not go so fast - that was the same things they said when they resisted setting the slaves free. Jessie Jackson said, you can’t be a black man and be against this health care plan. Nancy Pelosi was almost in tears (scared) when she described the “angry” tea party masses (hundreds of thousands) marching in D.C.. No incidents, not even any litter left behind. The Republicans in the Senate have billions of pork in their version of health care too - damn them all! 83% of the stimulus funds sent to Ohio went to democrat districts - 17% to republican. the watchdog/transparency site, listed jobs created in districts that didn’t even exist. Three of the Navy Seals who captured the animal that shot 4 Americans, then burned dragged and hung them on display, go on trial in NY City for punching him! The top dogs in this administration (including Obama) follow precisely the “Rules for Radicals” precepts of Saul Alinsky AND the outlined program for takeover in a book “Stand up Straight: How Progressives can win” by Robert Creamer (an admitted disciple of Alinsky) - written while in prison. He was at the latest W.H. dinner. David Axelrod, Obama’s top advisor and personal friend says this book is “a blueprint for future victories.” It is a “how to” book on intimidating and scaring people to do what you want. Also explains why it is endorsed by Unions and Andy Stern? Obama said he and the SEIU would “paint the Nation purple” - any doubts? Creamer was tied to ACORN through “Citizen Action Illinois” (there’s that ACORN and Illinois politics again). He was their leader. The FBI was investigating him for bank fraud and tax evasion. He stepped down. In 2006 he was convicted and spent 1 1/2 years in prison where he wrote his book. Note that his wife, US Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois said on video, “A Public Option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to Single-Payer.” (applause) “My single-payer friends, he was right!” Obama said on video HE was for Single-payer insurance, "but it might take awhile to get there." Then, while campaigning, he denied ever saying that. It’s on tape, liar! Now they say in the Health Bill that IF the program doesn’t work (but only if) there IS a provision (the “trigger” I warned you about) that it will revert to Public Option - then we’re on their homeward path to Single-payer. All they have to do now is make it NOT work. That’s so easy for Gov’t! But to wind this up, Creamer outlined a 10 point plan to force universal health care on the people (while in prison) that the White House is following to the letter! I can’t give you all the details here, but all the filthy connections between dirty, conniving liars, tax cheats and even criminals emanating from that political cesspool of Illinois are real. Throw in stinking rotten, sleazy ACORN and the SEIU being tight to Obama - and a Media okay with it all and it becomes almost too much to bear in our America. This is disgraceful and disgusting beyond words!

The “Audacity of Power” or RULE by "Bureaucratic Dictatorship" is being hinted at - Strongly! The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has declared carbon dioxide (CO2) dangerous. 6 billion people in the world must be damaging it by breathing. Hold your breath as much as possible? Obama is prodding Congress to act on controlling greenhouse gasses (Cap & Trade). He would prefer he says that they do it legislatively, but if they resist, he will use his rule-making power (the EPA) and MAKE IT LAW - will of the People (and Congress) be damned! But you FORCE him to do it. He doesn’t want to. Just like he didn’t want to take over the Banks and Auto Industry. You just won’t play along. Get used to this rationale. You’ll see it in Health Care too! This is how he will regulate every aspect of our lives - reluctantly, but absolutely. A senior official of the White House told Congress, and I quote, “If you don’t pass this legislation, then... the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area... in a command control way.”

One American’s View. Thanks for listening. Please tell others about my website. Phil Faustman

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Issue 28


Larry Summers is Obama’s Chief Economic Advisor. That might explain a lot about our Country’s horrendous (and rapidly getting worse) economic picture. Obama recently announced that we are probably going to experience a double-dip recession (like a W). That was to prepare you for another downfall, belying the rising stock market. That is also ill-founded optimism. He knows what he is doing isn’t working, but if he can forecast the gloomy future, he appears knowledgeable - and he can still (or IS still) laying all the blame on Bush for the mess he was handed. No doubt, Bush’s spending created serious problems, but Obama’s continuation (and extreme acceleration) of asinine spending has exacerbated the problem to irretrievable levels. Folks, we are going down. There is no doubt. There is no change in his or Pelosi’s spending attitude so we have no chance. Just print more money. Raise taxes. Jack up utility rates to bring on green energy. Punish mining of coal for energy. Stifle oil and gas production. Just wait like an idiot that learned nothing, for the next crippling explosion of prices in oil and gasoline. All the while waiting on the inevitable crushing surge in interest rates and inflation that are certain and yet to come. Larry Summers was in charge of Harvard University’s endowment fund. He invested it heavily in the stock market speculating in hedge funds and such. He was told by many not to, but having the final say he did it HIS way and lost $1.8 Billion in Harvard’s Fund. That is a serious blow to a university. Don’t expect HIM to lead us out of this quagmire. I strongly suggest that you stock up on canned goods, and filling food staples like brown rice and whole grain pastas. Seriously! That is the best place of all to invest your rapidly declining U.S. dollars. Have you noticed the doubling or more of canned vegetable prices in just a short time? Buy canned tuna or meats, extra whenever on sale. You won’t regret it. If I’m wrong, at worst you eat it later, but I’m not, and you will not get a better return on your money!

On this vein I want to point out that private industry or business (that dreaded capitalism) and entrepreneurism is what will eventually pull this nation out of the depths of despair- nothing else. But only after Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their “advisors”have trashed our economy totally. Every president for over the past 100 years has appointed at least 30% of their Cabinet advisors from private industry. Those with the lower percentages incidentally, also had lackluster economies in their tenure. Obama has less than 10% from the private sector in HIS cabinet! That does not bode well for our chances! Obama himself has never run any business at all. Now he runs auto industries and huge banks with no knowledge and no knowledgeable advisors. One adult in 8, and one child in 4 are now receiving food stamps in America, over 36 million in all so far. 10.2% of the population is acknowledged as unemployed and we all know it is worse than that, and those numbers are steadily growing. Many are into their second year of Gov’t unemployment benefits. Tens of millions of Americans are under-employed with part-time jobs or reduced hours. No one but Gov’t jobs or Gov’t favored Union jobs are getting raises. These worsening numbers (by the day) are in spite of lavishly spending over $400 Billion In “Stimulus” money! It is obvious to an imbecile that our leaders have no clue. Or, as I maintain, it is a deliberate plan to make everyone dependent upon the Gov’t (by job or handout) for their very existence, all the while blaming others and extolling how hard they’re trying.

Didn’t I tell you ACORN would get re-funded by Obama’s generous federal funds? And I said that they would likely change their name (probably all 230 of them). This was divulged by notes extricated from their trash, since no one will openly investigate them - Media or Gov’t. Disreputable people or businesses do use an alias or disguise themselves after notoriety, and to again hide the money trail. This is a slimy, sleazy direct connection to the White House and Obama, no explanation apparently necessary. But the Media wants complete explanations and details from Tiger Woods and the White House party crashers. That’s about all the news that was covered for the better part of a week. The world’s economy is going to hell. Iran is going nuclear and telling US to go to hell. Israel is on the brink of bombing Iran (to just exist) which will send oil and gasoline prices through the roof and cause economic collapse, and the 2 wars are going very badly. We have criminal tax cheats and crooks throughout Congress and in the highest offices and positions, corruption all through our Gov’t. Lobbyists throwing money everywhere it will stick, Corporations cooking the books and raping their stockholders through astronomical bonuses, and even more corruption with collusion between the Gov’t and corporate CEOs. There is concern of the people about 2 thug-type organizations (SEIU and ACORN) being exceptionally close to the president, along with all those radical Marxist/ Socialist appointees and Czars that surround him. There is runaway spending, of hundreds of billions, in so many directions, and now the need to bail out California (as I said we would). Yet our news is Tabloid-type for a week - about a celebrity party in the White House, and a young billionaire golfer’s domestic problems. God help us - and our Media’s sense of importance and responsibility!

The world is at a very fragile stage right now. Almost anything could set off a catastrophic chain of events that will affect you and your family’s lives for a long time. The near collapse of Dubai is a major signal. This middle-east supposedly wealthy metropolis in the desert has indoor snow skiing with the cheapest motel room at $1600 a night, to give you some perspective. Dubai is where the United States went when our banks were in trouble not long ago. Now their excessiveness and extravagances have caught up to them. Middle-east oil money will bail them out this time - our money given to the Arabs for oil, ironically. But the stock market plunged at the very hint of trouble in Dubai. California is just about as extravagant ($130 Billion in debt - writing I.O.U.s) and 24 times as big. It is the 8th largest economy in the world (larger than a great many countries) and on the verge of collapse. They have changed their spending ways hardly a lick but you know the ingrates still remaining there expect to be bailed out (without sacrificing) just because “they are too big to fail.” We, as a nation don’t dare let them start the domino effect in our total collapse. So Californians will get the next $130 Billion as we attempt to stave off the inevitable just a little longer. Of Course New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Michigan will get in line for theirs, until the final nail is in the coffin. Maybe Israel bombs Iran and skyrocketing oil prices do us in first. We’re going to tax the people for 3 years before the new health care plan pays out benefits. That will be the foundation to fund it we are told. With the country near economic collapse (and politicians having money set aside for anything) do you really think that funding will still be there? Get real. You don’t know politicians. And, about that health care about to pass and politicians. It is fun to watch Obama buying out those last few votes and being played. That “Louisiana Purchase” of Senator Mary Landrieu’s 60th necessary democrat vote was an offer of an extra $100 Million for her State from Obama. She held out until he upped it to $300 Million - doing right, and the will of the people, be damned! The majority of the people are dead against the Bill anyway, but it’s not about the People or doing the right thing, it’s about THEM and power. There is money to be had now and this will bring much more greed to the surface before this is over - by those who feel they caved to pressure too easily the first time around.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid say their proposed Health Care Bill will cost a trillion dollars. I find that admitted cost extremely offensive for a bankrupt economy such as ours. More offensive is that old, "figures don't lie, but liars figure" I like. The respected CATO Institute said that $1 Trillion is taxes upfront and undeniable, but $3.5 Trillion more will be "mandated" (buy insurance or go to jail) to be paid directly by the People to the "insurers" so that particular extra $3.5 Trillion is technically not a tax. CATO says the total cost will be all of $6 Trillion to the People - call it what you will! It is insanity! And, where in hell does the Federal Gov't get off mandating ANYTHING over the States or the People without a vote OF the People?! This total disregard and trampling of our Constitution is an act of WAR against the People - plain and simple. And I don't give a damn if the addle-minded Supreme Court consurs 5-4 with the President and Congress. It is time The People take back their beloved (once proud) Country. These arrogant asses "in charge" are outnumbered 10,000 to 1, and so far, we still have our guns. What else can you do when no one anywhere will listen? Well, I'm exasperated and by the time we can throw all these bums out I fear it will be too late. Too much damage will have already been done.

And our justice system stinks too. Maurice Clemmons had a violent out of control personality even as a teenager with numerous felonies getting him sentenced to 60 years in 1990 at age 18. He served only 11 years. Right after his release on parole, he was accused of aggravated robbery and theft. He left Arkansas for Washington state where he amassed at least 8 felony charges and was constantly released from custody. The last was posting $15,000 bail for raping a 12 year old. While out this time he shot and killed 4 police officers. Now their families suffer. Luckily, he was shot and killed going for his gun at a chance traffic violation pullover. Thank God he didn’t get back into our miserable justice system. This wasn’t “slipping, through the cracks.” This was a pathetic disgrace! Especially in this DNA and computerized age! State offices, get together!

A friend and fellow watchdog informed me recently about an outrageous plan and an even more outrageous retaliatory comment made by Obama about our courageous military - especially all those hideously maimed by war. It happened last March 15th (a month before I started my newsletters) but it is so typical of the two-faced president I have come to know. At a meeting with the American Legion Commander, Obama, in an effort to save the Gov’t $540 million wanted injured soldiers to pay for their treatments with their own private insurance! Think about that! It was met with so much disgust and incredulous outrage that he quickly dropped the whole idea. But Obama can’t stand any questioning of his “brilliance” so he had to fire a parting shot that I will quote verbatim because it tells you clearly who this man REALLY is. Obama said, “Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they WHINE about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn’t compute. I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their Country. I wasn’t asking for blood, just money. With the Country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I’d have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to help the Nation’s deficit. I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans.” Is this as despicable a piece of verbal garbage to you - as it is to me? This miserable timid pipsqueak calls our battle-injured soldiers selfish, and questions their patriotism? This, from the mouth of their Commander in Chief and our stinking President! I’ll want to throw, up every time he addresses the military and gets any cheers or applause. HE expects maimed soldiers to help reduce the Nation’s deficit while he, Pelosi and Congress spend out of their minds on all kinds of personal extravagance, earmarks or pork-barrel projects while ignoring unbelievable rampant fraud and abuse of Billions everywhere. Obama has the insolence of a rude spoiled child, but unfortunately it’s coupled with position and power. He gives us glimpses and flashes of his temper and vindictiveness regularly. A little sneer, a knowing smile (like he knows who’ll get the last laugh and if you cross him, you’ll pay) bet on it. The Chicago thugs he appoints everywhere, plus heavy-handed ACORN and SEIU bullies, and especially union head, Andy Stern (24 visits to the White House) are always taking notes. As Andy exhorts loudly. “We took names. We know how they voted. We know where they live!” Yeah, now take away their secret ballot, card check. Another cute one of his is, “We’re gonna use the Power of Persuasion. and if it doesn’t work we’ll use the Persuasion of Power!” That’s what they used when they kicked, beat and hospitalized that black man, Gladney (on film) who was handing out little flags at that “tea party” 3 1/2 months ago. Amazingly, Obama’s SEIU thug friends haven’t even been charged for that filmed assault, and his Media buddies don’t care in the least. You would think the ACLU lawyers would want to defend a publicly beaten, small diabetic black man by 3 bullies twice his size. They even shouted racial epithets at him and spit on him. That makes it a hate crime and a felony - on film for all to see - no outrage! They would be there immediately to sue the Boy Scouts or some Christmas Carolers. But, back to the SEIU and Andy Stern who says, “Workers of the world unite (globally). It’s not just a slogan anymore.” This “slogan” was that of the Soviet Revolution - “Workers of the world unite!” Ominous? Stern says that America needs to share the wealth, rebalance the power - and the Unions and the Gov’t know best how to do it! Obama told The Plumber, “I think when you spread the wealth around - it’s good for everybody.” George Soros (evil billionaire and regular visitor to the White House says, “The system we now have is broken down, only we haven’t quite recognized it. And so you need to create a new one and this is the time to do it.” Add now, all the Marxist/Socialist Czars and advisors Obama has surrounded himself with and tell me that we don’t have “The Perfect Storm” for the hijacking or takeover of America, or as Obama says, “Fundamentally transforming America!” Obama proclaims (with an exuberance not often seen), “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with SEIU! I’m not a newcomer to this. I didn’t just suddenly discover SEIU. Before debating health care I talked to Andy Stern and SEIU members.” SEIU has 2.2 million members and gave over $60 Million to Obama’s campaign fund to rent a room at the White House. Obama vows, “to build more and more power for SEIU at an SEIU rally saying, “We’re going to paint the Nation purple. Let’s together change the Country!” That’s why they can hospitalize a man without fear of reprisal. What kind of president says and allows all this? Even Jesse Jackson said, “You can’t he a black man and vote against health care!” That’s Bullcrap! More racial B.S.!

Four Navy Seals (some of the bravest and finest fighting men we have) captured the terrorist, Ahmed Hashim Abed in Fallujah in 2004. Abed was the mastermind in the murder and mutilization of 4 Blackwater USA security guards. The guards were shot, then burned and dragged through the city to cheering crowds, on film, then hanged from a bridge for the world press to photograph. That animal, Abed said he was punched by his captors and had the bloody lip to prove it (so did I when I was a kid after school). Now, 3 of those Seals have to go on trial in New York City and on the world stage. Picture yourself in a war-time setting. Consider the bestiality you have seen or know about (like the 4 guards, or beheadings). You catch a bad one that maybe even "smarted off " and punch him. How can any comparison be made? And they deny the Seals a military trial. There must be a World Show to boost recruitment of more terrorists, and further worldwide ridicule of America, with this bunch. Do you think the translation of the trials back to Muslim countries will be at all accurate or favorable to the U.S.? Do you think they will be impressed with our sense of "fair play" or judicial system? They think we are weak and are fools - and we are - now. 95% of them deny that Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews just because Iran's Ahmadinejad said it didn't happen! This, along with the N.Y. City trials of the Gitmo prisoners shame us - again. Thank you Obama, Pelosi and Attorney General Holder. You all stink! You don't care about America, or its image, whatsoever!

One American’s View. Thanks for listening. Please tell others about my website. Phil Faustman